Our experience working with dozens of organisations to help them achieve their goals in many different circumstances means that we understand your needs will be unique. We’ve also seen that lack of resource and having solid systems and processes in place can affect an organisation’s ability to most effectively fundraise. We appreciate too, that figuring out which areas are really best for you to target and how to do it can be time consuming. That’s where we can really help you. We are specialists at identifying your greatest challenges and opportunities and then using our experience, helping you to solve or harness them within your context. We build and implement solutions that will work by truly understanding you.
Having a solid plan is key to successful fundraising, we can sort that too, but having the tools and skill to fully implement it is just as important. That's why we also work alongside you and do the doing in the areas you really need help with to build your capacity. We know that can be the hard part. And because we are expert, we can get it done efficiently.
A successful fundraising programme will ultimately create more impact to those you serve. That's what we want to happen.
If you think you need a fundraising consultant, we're more than that. Our goal is to build capability within your organisation to ensure you generate long-term, sustainable fundraising revenue. You can find a list of some of the ways we can help you here. But we know you need an individual pathway. Get in touch with us so we can figure out the best way to create fundraising success for your organisation.
Communications &Â Marketing
We know that developing and delivering organisational and donor communications and marketing can sometimes prove challenging within your resource. We also know it can be hard to understand where you should be focusing your energy. That’s where we come in. We are specialists at identifying your unique position and then building and implementing solutions that will streamline your activity and help you more successfully engage with, gain and retain supporters. Communications are critical to your organisation and fundraising - by showing your impact, celebrating your donors and creating urgency you will generate more engagement, build trust and encourage higher and new giving. That's what NFP wants to support you to achieve.
Having a strategy is key and we can help there as well. But you having the tools and skill to implement it is important too. That's why we walk alongside you and do the doing where it needs to get done to help build your capacity. We know that can be the challenging part. And because we are expert, we can get it done effectively.
Our goal is to build capacity within your organisation to ensure you are delivering communications that support and grow giving. You can find a list of some of the ways we can help you here. But we understand your needs will be individual. Get in touch with us so we can figure out the best way for you to achieve communications success.
Organisational Review & Change Management
Creating Organisational Success
We can work with your Board and management to develop processes and structure, set priorities that support fundraising and create a team culture that strives for excellence. By really understanding you, we can help you reach your organisational goals.
Here's how we can help you.
Policy and process creation
Structural review and recommendations
Priority, target and vision setting
Mentoring and training of internal staff
Aligning fundraising and communications strategy to operational strategy